Mission Statement

To acknowledge the passing through of experiences, to assist in expanding the tool box and to allow for positive growth.

We all experience life in different degrees, angles and duration.  As we pass through these experiences we begin to expand and contrast the experience to help us grow in a way we are willing to acknowledge.  Once we have acknowledged something needs to change, I need to learn more, there has to be a tool for this or simply knowing there has to be a better way than I currently know, we can begin to expand our tool box and allow for growth. 

However, with growth doesn’t mean you get it right on the first try, the second try. What is does give you a new starting point each time you begin to acknowledge something could be easier.

This site is a path of growth I personally took that has helped me over come experiences, Astrological sign pros and cons,  and the knowledge, tool and expansion that has help me find me and be me.

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