Many Hats of Entrepreneurship by Kristen Vallejo
Many Hats of Entrepreneurship By Kristen Vallejo

I think anyone who goes into business for themselves can’t really imagine doing anything else. No matter when one makes the decision-straight out of college, after a really bad job, during a dramatic life change- there is usually one consistent driver behind the choice: a deep and nagging compulsion that we “have so much more to offer.”
Working with small business owners is a particularly rewarding arm of my own small business, and I truly love the deep dives that I get to take with the gutsy go-getters who find themselves throwing caution to the wind. It’s exhilarating to give yourself full permission to be in charge of your own life, and to show the world that you are capable, unique, and trustworthy. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate such a proclamation than…you guessed it…PORTRAITS.
Difference between Oracle Cards and Tarot Cards
Go with your gut feeling | Magnus Walker
Leaps of Faith, following his gut and knowing when it was awkward he was on the right track.
Introducing Energy and why it matters
As successful business woman, I started to explore mediumship. A Medium is some one who can hear, see or understand loved ones that have passed to the other side. These woman became my customers, we often bartered skills. My personal exposure helped me become the heart center business woman I am meant to be.
What is heart centered energy?
Heart Centered Energy is living with intention from the heart. What?
Intentions from the heart allow for vulnerability and expansion. What are the truest of intentions behind someone’s contribution to your business? How do you find away to have a win/win out come for both you and your employee?
When we work from a heart centered energy, the point of view the energy is different. The results are even better.
How do you get to Heart Centered Energy Intentions? Faith, belief, intention, meditation, desire, nutrition and the understanding of environmental energy all play a part in creating a Heart Centered Energy Intention
The path to understanding energy
Dr. Susan Hanlan, University of Akron, Management Professor – Mary Parker Follett, Stephen Covey – WIN/WIN Theory
Carol Borkoski – Mediumship, Access Consciousness, Talking to the Entities
Joel & Victoria Osteen – a new view on faith
Jerry and Ester Hicks – possibility of a higher plan, being in the vortex, power of attraction
Marie Forleo – B-School, creating your business and life you love
Kris Carr – Nutrition, Meditation and well being
Danielle LaPorte – Desire mapping, attracting what your heart desires
Alana Fairchild – Healing, Healing, Healing + Spiritual Growth, Meditation
Doreen Virtue & Charles Virtue – angle guidance, believing we are safe and watched over
Colette Baron-Reid – Mediumship, Astrology, Meditation and Vision Board
Kate Northrup – The Origin Company – Entrepreneurs collaborative
Debra Silverman – Understanding people and daily energy to be productive and effective
Dr. Mark Hyman – proper nutrition is a game changer! Being your own health advocate.
Dr. Martha Lee – Eros Coaching – education is key!